Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tahoe Blues................

South Yuba...........I think I am right :) Have to remember
my rivers to be a true Tahoe girl!!! I love the trees, water
and wild flowers............

It has only been a week since i got back from Tahoe................but it seems like it had be a month................................I guess people always miss the good times.....................I am not saying that my time here in Toronto is bad, but my time in Tahoe is just that GOOD :)

I guess I am suppose to say that my main purpose of this trip was to attend the Tahoe science symposium....... but honestly, the symposium was just a perfect disguise of my true intention...........If it wasn't for the conference, I would not have been able to take a week off from work.

The conference was actually really good. It was my first time presenting my work (which is a fish study on Lake Tahoe) to a Tahoe audience. Tonnes of people came up to me and told me I did a good job, so I was really happy.........It was also kind of my debut to my soon to be co-worker in TERC........ I am so glad that people liked my presentation cause i was super nervous, You know my future bosses were all there!!!

Days without the conference were relaxing...........got loads of EXCERISE :P....................got to catch up on my long outdated TV shows and some NCAA March Madness basketball (UCLA!!!)........................plus most importantly COOKED a WHOLE bunch and actually had someone to eat with..... not just me and my computer....

One of my proudest creation (well it was not a sole effort, Thanks BTE!!!) Sun-dried Tomatoes, Zucchini, caramelized onion, and goat cheese on a whole wheat crust

Well anywaz.... this trip was short, but super sweet..........

I can't wait till I can start packing and get myself over there............Mid May is what I hope for.......I hope SC will call me up soon .............................

Hopefully, when I go back.......................Happiness will still be there *fingers crossed*

1 comment:

Robert Payne said...

Tahoe is a wonderful place. Sounds like you will be there soon enough though. And I suspect "happiness" will still be there.